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Ail said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Ail said:
It's still a marketing failure.
It doesn't make sense to spend 30 million$ for the launch of a product that you are not able to stock.

It would have made more sense to spend less $ on marketing at launch and spend some later when Nintendo was able to stock retailers....

We won't be able to determine if Wii-Fit is a failure or not, from a marketing standpoint until this time next year.

It's certainly very convenient for PS3 fanboys to judge it based on upfront sales though.


I have a feeling that, in a year, you would be laughed at for calling anything to do with Wii-Fit a "failure."

However, if your goal is the short money ridicule, then more power too ya.

I'm not saying WiiFit is a failure, reread what I posted....

I am saying it does not make sense to spend so much $ on marketing when you know you don't have enough product to satisfy the demand.

In this case it would have made more sense to delay spending some of the marketing $ to a date where more product was available ( like around the holydays.).

A 20 million $ launch campaign would have provided exactly the same results and left 10 million more to spend around the holydays......

Yeah, what I meant to explain was that marketing effect doesn't end when a game is launched. Especially when supply constraint is keeping Wii-Fit fresh in their heads.

It's kinda like when the Wii first came out and there were advertisements everywhere. Once the word was out, they could pull them and put DS advertisements in its place. I have a feeling Wii-Fit is kinda like that.

We're humans, lol, nobody is gonna forget. Just watch the legs on this sucker.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.