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So I am approaching this in a skeptical manner, but I am so far seeing a lot of black friday deals for PS4 and XOne (the standard BF deal seems to be $200 and $190 respectively). The Switch is priced at $300 with a smaller software library that is more expensive. I understand much of this is because of the newness of the system and the library has been gold so far, but I feel a lot of people might just choose an X1 and PS4 over it simply due to the significantly lower price for the systems and the larger library (that again consist of cheaper games). Perhaps I am catastrophizing, but I feel the system may not experience the sales that many seem to expect here due to its price with regards to its competitors. In fact, I am sort of expecting that the system might lose momentum because it is not priced to compete (again maybe this is me just being overly cautious after the Wii U disaster). In that sense it might be best that Nintendo is not oversupplying (although it might be too late, considering Nintendo has apparently dramatically increased production targets).