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Purely as a film, it was fun and enjoyable, if a bit exaggerated in occasions.

As a Marvel fan, that read Thor comics, it was terrible. They made Thor and all characters of its universe a joke. MCU Thor is downright pathetic, Loki is washed down, Surtur is laughable. Only Hela was good. This was not a Thor movie, it was a reskined Guardians of the Galaxy flick.

They even managed to remove all internal conflict from the Hulk and make it a joke. And to add to the insult, they got the Planet Hulk story, which if freaking great, and ruined it in 20 minutes. The warbound members were used as comic reliefs. MCU Hulk is more like a big friendly Shrek than the real thing.

Normally I enjoy the humor on the MCU. Characters like Iron Man, Spidey and many other fit well with this thing. But not Thor, he always carried the sense of importance and grandiosity from the Jack Kirby (and Walt Simonson) days. So he is ruined.

Hulk is following the same path, they set up a nice storyline with him feeling guilty about how uncontrolled we was on Avengers 2, but the simply just forgets it all (and also doesn't seem to really care about his 2 years in Sakaar) after a few minutes. Total joke.

Edit: I don't want to even start about how Odin is a joke in these movies and the total absence of asgardians like Baldur.