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Hiku said:
Aeolus451 said:

It doesn't. It's just makes it so they need proof  that a person is mentally ill before they can be barred from owning a gun. 

That's exactly why it makes it easier for them.
How do you propose a gun shop owner "proves" that someone belongs to the categories of "people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs" without the registry? That's what it was there for.
It's not like gunshop owners can look at someone and identify what kind of mental problems they may have. And even in the cases they do suspect something, they don't have the authority to dig up any proof outside of the national background check database. Which they'll now be removed from.

Any gun shop can deny someone the sale of a gun for any reason. If someone looks disturbed or shady, they can deny the sale. In the despite its good intentions, what the policy actually does is take away the gun rights of a large category of individuals without any evidence that they pose a risk of harm to self or others, and without legal due process protections commensurate with abridging a constitutional right. I'm fine with a different law being introduced that takes those things into account. Just because a law or rule is well meaning doesn't mean that it's right or smart.