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This first year has been a wonderful one in general. They have most of their biggest games out already without having yet unleashed all of their major first party titles. And this will attract a decent amount of 3rd party titles (why did some japanese ones think that a successor of a Nintendo handheld would sell slowly is beyond me, uh, Capcom?), and even some surprises from western studios.

And yet, I'm not tha impressed by the main software itself. Out of the three Nintendo games I own for the Switch, the best one is definitively Splatoon 2, which is a nice surprise. BotW went from amazing to underwhelming after the 50h mark rather fast, and Mario Odyssey is just massive, so I doubt I'll ever finish it (plus problems with the camera, I may have to make a thread about this later).

Going back to the 3DS was weird, I'm too used to the big screen now, compared to the small 3DS screen. At least they'll keep the system going for a while, even if they focus all of their devs on the Switch.

Right now, I'm waiting to see how they implement their online fees and more news of software. I think I have everything I could want either released already or in close proximity.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.