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Angelus said:

You've pretty much just descriped all Marvel movies. Outside of like the first batch they made, where they were still kind of trying to find their way, and experimenting a bit, they've basically all been like this. I think especially after the first Guardians of the Galaxy, with it being such a runaway hit despite nobody ever having even heard of any of those characters before, was really the point where they were just like yep.....everything's gotta be hilarious all the fucking time, regardless of how not hilarious it really is/should be.

And character consistancy? Fuuuuuuck that. The characters will be exactly as strong/weak, serious/funny, etc as each individual scene demands for the sake of maximum "awesomeness." 

I can't bring myself to go out and watch them anymore honestly. It all just comes across as trying way too hard to be likable. But hey, it seems to be working for them, so kudos I guess.

I get that there's the blueprint and that Marvel is adhering to it since that's where they're printing massive money. But even something like Guardians of the Galaxy (particulary the second entry) knew when to fucking stop with the jokes; the final arc of GotG2 after the Pac-Man joke goes straight to the end without anything dumb or shitty; just the drama that's supposed to represent. There's been a few movies here and there, like the Captain America ones, that at least manage a consistent tone and while people indeed suffer from the "you're going to be weak now because it's more spectacular that way" syndrome over and over and over again, at least the premise can maintain itself without any childish suspension-of-disbelief shattering situation.

This Thor movie, however, throws absolutely everything out of the window and sacrifices the suspense of every single moment for a cheap joke. That's what it becomes: a running, tired cheap joke that's as boring as predictable. And with it, characters pretty much stop being what they're supposed to be but just a puppet to the screenwriter's will to insert more jokes (seriously, I can't point it out more than I already have, Banner is a massive idiot in this movie and he's supposed to be some sort of genius scientist).

I think what I am the most here is disappointed. Disappointed because this Thor movie had legit moments of awesomeness that were both organic and epic without really becoming tryhard. That potential gets immediately wasted seconds later at every single step, and it pains me seeing the what could have been rather than what we get in the end.