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ArtznCraphs said:
Euphoria14 said:
ArtznCraphs said:
SpartanFX said:
ArtznCraphs said:
Euphoria14 said:
It used to be "Wait for IGN review".

Now it's "IGN reviews can't be trusted."

New excuse everyday... I love it!!!

Best part is the ones hating on this game in this thread are ones who haven't even played it, lol. Essentially making their opinions on the game moot.


It used to be from who? Some people think IGN is the last word, some people have never trusted them. There isn't one large group that's just flipflopping.

And most of the people commenting here seem to have played the game they're just not all declaring this the best thing since yesterday. Some happen to think that level headed criticism is more important than feeling secure in your purchases and likes.

Either way, IGN is still clown shoes.

 go search the website,,,you see 90% people in this site accept IGN only,,,it was in a long thread

So are those 90% nowsaying IGN can't be trusted?  No, it's me (decidely never a part of that 90%) and maybe a couple others.  No one switched on it.  And I gave a reason why I personally don't think their reviews are worth much, which has nothing to do with my opinion on this particular game.





 Nobody called you out directly though, so why are you getting so upset? 

You've mistaken being resolute and argumentative for being upset.  Should I assume you're experiencing emotional distress because you seem to actively dispute any bit of criticism anyone has towards the game? Or for inferring that there's some kind of uninformed hate train getting a head of steam when there is none.

 The truth is I just find the (unfounded)value placed on IGN fascinating and bewildering.  I actually have a friend who uses them to justify his opinions, when it suits him of course, meaning when a game on a Sony platform gets a good score, but is incapable or uninterested in any deeper consideration of the medium.  It's interesting to say the least

 No idea what your going on about, but what I am saying is this.

I did not call you out directly or accuse you of flipflopping, yet you obviously took offense to my post. I am saying if you didn't fit in with the ones who do in terms of the IGN comment you should have felt no need to respond the way you did by calling me out. Simple as that.

I also have not disputed everyone who disagrees with this review, read the entire thread. It was aimed more towards those in this thread who do not own a PS3, have not played the game yet think their opinions on gameplay, storyline, etc... have merit, which they do not.

I don't see what the problem is here.

Send a PM if you want to keep this going, but personally I don't see where else this would go.

I have no problem agreeing to disagree. You haven't read enough of my posts. If you felt I targeted you in any way, I'm sorry, but to be honest... I didn't.

As I said before though I am not going to respond in this thread anymore, I see no need to argue, I'm just gonna go play Metal Gear. :)

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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