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You just need to look at the front page to see why. The PS4 has a mature user base, while the Switch is just starting to grow.

I couldn't find profit broken out for just the network, but I did find it for the division. Revenue for the six months ending September 30 was 781,266 million yen. Profit was 72,483 million yen. So about a 9.3% profit margin.

Nintendo over the same time period was 374,041 in revenue and 39,961 in profit. So about a 10.7% profit margin. Not a big difference in margin there.

But the big money for the video game industry always happens during the holiday season, so the six months ending September 30 might be the least interesting time there is.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)