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It was a decent movie, and for a change, I could stomach the entirety of a Thor movie. This being said, it was massively disappointing. I take it that I'm not the kind of public these movies are aimed for because everyone else seemed extremely pleased with this movie's progression, but I swear it all feels like a massively wasted opportunity.

Let me tell you my first and big complain: no one seems to like introspection in these movies. Seems everyone wants to copy the Guardians of the Galaxy model nowadays of adding dumb humor even when it's not needed, but unlike Guardians 2, which managed to know when to stop and allow levity to take place, Thor 3 is all over the place. It was one cheap joke after another to ruin everything. Is it too much to ask for a damn interjection at times without dumb shit in the middle? I'm honestly surprised at how incredibly deep some sequences can get (Thor recalling the words of his father and invoking the thunder without his hammer? Fucking yes please), but with each one of these you have to sit through childish, mindless crap. And while I get that superhero movies are also aimed at children, this particular movie has a few dark sequences that don't mesh all that great because it manages to alienate the small kids who might not be able to comprehend them, and the adults who would rather have a grounded experience like that without all the other issues. (Asgard - the city - just got obliterated LET'S MAKE A JOKE ABOUT THAT HAHA)

My second and big complain: everyone in this movie is incredibly braindead. This might have some sense in Guardians of the Galaxy, but it doesn't here. Thor is an idiot, Banner is an idiot, Loki is an idiot; you name him, he's probably an idiot. Don't you love when Banner makes a point of saying if he becomes Hulk again there's a chance he won't revert ever back, but then ten minutes later he does anyway with absolutely zero doubt in his semblance? Not only that, but how incredibly stupid was Banner throughout this whole movie? How come Loki can be so absolutely retarded as to try to betray Thor and five minutes later come in full help? Why does Hela allow Loki to run to the tower and invoke Ragnarok? I swear the characters in this movie are so damn inconsistent there's simply no point in bothering saying why they are, since the movie spells it out over and over.

On a more positive light, I was pleasantly surprised as how the events of Thor Ragnarok basically led to Thor becoming one-eyed Captain Kirk of the Asgard Entership. It was a fun take, alongside the defeat of Hela by basically causing Asgard's destruction at the hands of Ragnarok, that was original too.