Lawlight said:
Kyuu said:
... The $499 20 GB model was also fully backwards compatible, silly. And ALL PS3 models are backwards compatible with PS1. This is hardly my main point anyway, I was more focused on the paid multiplayer which Microsoft popularized and eventually caused a financially troubled Sony (and soon Nintendo) to follow suit.
Thank goodness the majorities of Xbox fans didn't accept the toxic pre-launch Xbox ONE policies..
Hardware sales/market share isn't the sole factor for gauging success. Xbox sales jumped from 24m to 85m with X360. Playstation (home console) sales fell from 157m to 86m+ with PS3. Sony was bleeding money while Xbox was printing them. Of course a large part of that was thanks to Xbox Live.
I don’t think the gaming division of MS was printing money.
Thats what MS want you to think.
Honestly Xbox Live has been going on for more than a decade. The amount of income Live would have created by itself is through the roof. Plus the software sold more on 360 and to add the 360 sold extremly well at its prime while PS3 only started to sell well when price drops started to happen. 360 was a huge success compared to the PS3. Doesn't matter who sold more in the end.
Sony would rather forget the PS3
MS would be placing the 360 on a pedestal.