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TalonMan said:
Right - so here's the story behind the "Inactive" tag.

For quite some time (as most of you probably know), the website wasn't sending out emails for "Lost Password" issues. Well, it also wasn't sending emails for "New Registrations" either - which meant, if you created a new account on the website, you didn't get the "Click Me!" email which meant, you could never formally activate your account...

...enter Bug #2 - for some instances, it didn't matter whether you ever got the activation link or not. The code that checks whether your account is active or not, only seemed to work about 50% of the time - so users (including the spam bots!) could create and account, never get the "Click Me!" email, and yet still be able to access the website.

After I fixed the issue with the email, I also fixed the issue with the activation check - the good news with doing this is, all of the spam bots would be kicked off the website immediately. The bad news is, some legitimate users (those that had created an account but never formally activated) have gotten caught up in this and were suddenly kicked from the website, too.

The mods now have the ability to activate any of these users, and the "Inactive" search is designed to help them identify any account that's been registered, but has never been activated so they can go in there and activate those that they know are definitely legit.

Hope this clears it all up for you guys!! :)

...oh - end the "Last edited" tag is back.

Thanks for the info, recovery passwords should work for email accounts such as hotmail and outlook?

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