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If you don't have a talent, then you learn the talent. I have not tried 200 times. I have tried 3 times. Actually, no, I haven't even tried at all. You are not motivating at all. I'm still going to college, and before hand, I make three videos, yet you assume that's as good as I will get. Wow, that's not mean, that's just extreme discouragement. Obviously the videos suck. They meant to suck. They're nothing but experiments. Now, if you actually wrote some advice, even in the back of your heard, you assumed I would never succeed, then I would have a lot more respect for you, but as of right now, I need to ignore you, otherwise I might trick myself into thinking I need to quit, which is a definite no-no, because I will keep trying forever, even if I never succeed, until I reach the goals that I am aiming for. Either you help me and give advice, or write nothing, and watch me become better in the future, without your advice. I would still like your advice though, as long as it doesn't have anything to do with quitting.