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LipeJJ said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Gonna be a close one between PS4 and Switch.

Xb1 will do better than usual, but still less than both imo.

It would be funny, to say the least, if XB1 finished November in 3rd place again while releasing a new model that has been hyped since last year.

Eh, i kinda think this will be the case. I just don't see XB1 selling over 1 million this month, while the other 2 should easy surpass this number.

I think the XB1X won't sell over 300k this month, and the original model won't do over 500k, which is about half of what it sold last year. So 800k for the XB1 family, which is a 20% drop YOY, looks likely for now, which is better than the current 40/50%, but still not anough to match PS4/Swicth sales.