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I can totally understand that a black person be offended by that word cause that word exists for very wrong reasons. But at the end of the day it's only a word and we should set ourselves free from the symbolic negativity of a word, any word for that matter.

For instance, I'm white and I don't have any issue with that so if someone calls me a honky It will not offend me so ideally speaking the N word should not offend black people in my opinion. But I must insist on the fact that it is up to them to not be offended. I cannot impose that on them. In fact as long as that word is negative, insulting and derogatory I will not use it because they have a right to be offended, especially in regard to US history and slavery.

Now the only thing that bothers me with that word is how it seems ok for some people to use it while it's bad or racist for others. If it's a racist word then it should be so for everybody and no one should use it but the fact some use it and nobody complains while others use it and it's the end of the world is not right.

Black rappers use the N word all the time in their songs. It's always N this and N that and everybody seems ok with it but if some white guy like Pewdiepie uses it then it's suddenly the end of the world and that difference is a form of segregation. When you tell someone they can do something or use a word cause they are a certain color but if they are another color they cannot, that is (ironically) racism.