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VGPolyglot said:
CrazyGamer2017 said:

The only good reason to become independent is when the country you're part of is a dictatorship that suppresses your rights and you wish to be free and treated as a human being. Other than that, if you wish to destroy or break up a country, everyone in the country should have a say.

This is not the case in Spain, in Catalonia or anywhere in the EU. Catalonians enjoy the same rights as any other EU citizens and their bid for independence is out of ignorance. Only the Catalonian government stands to win from independence as statehood would dramatically increase their powers but the people would lose as independence means no rights to travel across Spain freely, or the EU if they are kicked out of Europe. In the 21st century at a time where union and globalisation is the new paradigm shift, independence is dumb and independence inside a modern system as the EU is irresponsible and misguided.

So, in other words no country becomes independent then, because the dictators would brutally repress independence movements.

What dictators? This is a EU country not some third world war riddled country. No one is repressing freedom in Catalonia. To the best of my knowledge a Catalan citizen comes and goes as he/she pleases, works or does not, stays home to play games or travels across Spain or the EU as he/she pleases. Or are they prisoners inside Catalonia? Cause I'm not aware of that.