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In terms of output it is likely to be similar. In terms of perceived quality (by perhaps gamers and definitely critically) it is unlikely to match 2017. Games are subjective though and different people prefer different genres. So it could be richer diversity-wise and may appeal to some gamers more.Although it will extremely difficult for Nintendo to match the 3 90+ meta scores in 2018. However critical acclaim doesn't always mean commercial success. Nintendo could release titles that perform better sales-wise but fall below the 2017 benchmark in terms of critical acclaim. Tomadachi life is 1 such series that could fit that criteria. Whether it will be seen as being as big a console sales driver remains to be seen. Although in that respect, you can't underestimate the huge impact SMO has had to the Switch. That, along with the big hitters to a lesser extent from this year could probably drive console sales until well into 2018. Maybe even to halfway through it! Could well have started up an almost unstoppable momentum.

I would guess at a Donkey Kong title next year too. Probably straddles the line between a tier 1 and tier 2 Nintendo IP but given the Switch's userbase potential i would argue this gen it will be a tier 1 franchise.