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I still believe Super Smash Brothers will come in March-May similar to Mario Kart 8 this  year. 

In the fall, you can expect Animal Crossing because the mobile app is to spark interest in the game like Mario run was for Mario Odyssey and the Nintendo brand.

I also would highly suspect Metroid Prime 4 in the fall due to the teaser so early at E3. More footage will likely be shown between January and E3 2018.  There are also some rumors circulating out there pointing to this same fact, but it makes sense either way.

Already this would almostbe as strong of a lineup as we have had this year, add in Yoshi, Kirby, the inevitable indies and 3rd party titles, but there are plenty other potentials.  Most likely Nintendo will have 1 or 2 new IPs to fuel the future catalog like ARMS this year.

High probability candidates: Pikmin 4, Mario Maker port, Bayonetta compilation, Virtual Console

Medium probability candidates: Donkey Kong title, Retro Studio game, Mario Party, flood of 3DS dual releases, Chibi Robo, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars

Low probability candidates: Pokemon RPG (This is the first console title and expectations are high - there may be a 3DS/Switch crossover title before we see the dedicated Switch title)