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Ranking all my favorites...

Jon Snow - Like Ned, he's honorable, but also a badass. Has a lot of swag without being an arrogant ass.

Ned Stark - The definition of sincere and honorable, but also strong and stands his ground. Though I think much of this is my bias towards Sean Bean as an actor, as he's just the coolest.

Tyrion - He drinks and he knows things..

The Hound - Badass/ruthless fighter with a heart of gold. Very deep character. A sort of Han Solo of GoT.

Dany - She's fought her way to the top, and is kind while also strong and firmly standing her ground. And doesn't hurt that she's cute :P. Though she's lost me a bit this past season.

Arya - There's something admirable and badass about vengeance, and she's the personification of it.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 27 October 2017


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden