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"Lane’s parents, Catherine and Charles Davis—Charles was known as Chuck to his friends—were used to their 33-year-old son’s outbursts. They had become so frequent that Charles had started recording the tirades on his phone. But that afternoon, they were tired of Lane’s screaming, wanted him to leave, and told him as much. Instead, Lane chased his parents around their home, spitting in his father’s face while screaming that he wasn’t threatening to kill them, but “pedophiles who were taking over the country.”


In a seeming confession, Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,” and his father had called him a Nazi and a racist. Held on $1 million bail and represented by a public defender, Lane has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. His trial is slated for January."


Wow, trying to argue that toddlers can consent. What a stereotypical neckbeard and piece of shit. Hope he spends his life in jail - what a waste of a human being. 33 years old with no job, yet he has time to be on Youtibe/Reddit 24/7 spouting Infowars/PJW and The_Donald bullshit. 


Nice to see how courageous the master race truly is.