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Machina said:
enditall727 said:

Well well well


The Chad Daddy is here!!


I would like to say a couple things to you future VGC users who are reading this right now in 2015,16,17,18, and 19.


someone obviously decided to bump this thread and now you are here reading through the comments. It is 2014 at the time that i'm making this comment! I'm posting while i'm still alive. I have yet to vanish at this point like most old user do.


I would like to say that i hope Nintendo did well with the Wii U. I also hope that Sony did well with the Vita also. I'm reporting to you all from a time when they weren't doing so good. I hope they had gotten all that shit sorted out in your time.


I wonder if those pesky devils known as the PlayStation fans are still the undisputed rulers of the internet? They sure are right now in 2014.



Right now, everybody is talking about the 1st Titanfall and when Gears Of War had just been acquired by MS.


There was a rumor going around that Crash Bandicoot was acquired by Sony recently. I hope it came true! I also know not to say anything about Final Fantasy 15 because i'm sure it still has not released yet. I do hope that Final Fantasy 13-6 is good though because we all know that FF 13-4, 5, and 6 has to be released first.


That's pretty much all i wanted to say. I just wanted to seal my name in VGC history before i went inactive because i'm sure it has came by the time you read this


But uhh.. yea.. Later

This is such a cool post to read.

Let's see. Here's how things turned out:

- Wii U and Vita both came to be seen as commercial failures. They both had dedicated and vocal fanbases, however, much like the Dreamcast.
- Titanfall received a sequel. It was multiplat, sort of bombed (at least didn't do as well as was hoped), but was well received by fans and critics.
- Microsoft still owns Gears but hasn't really done much with the IP besides a remaster collection and one sequel.
- Crash did indeed make a comeback on a Sony platform, in the form of a HD colleection for PS4 that's selling incredibly well. At the present time it's still unclear if this will remain exclusive or was just a timed exclusive deal.
- Final Fantasy XV finally released and seemed to be fairly well received (not liking JRPGs myself I can't really say whether that positive reception was justified though). It certainly didn't seem to generate the backlash that XIII did.
- You have indeed stopped posting. RIP.

Really cool to read;)