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Okay, here is my worded explanation.

I just want to try out a simple, single level. Before the level starts, I want there to be a toolbar on the right, covering about 1/8 of the screen. In it, there will be 3 unlocked items and 5 locked. The first one is a simple bridge. It can be built anywhere in between two landmasses. If it is hovering in mid-air, I want it to fall. You cannot stack it on top of ground either. The second is a spring. It is just a simple spring. I want it to look like a Mario, as sort of a homage. No mid-air, and only on ground. The third is a ladder. You can only place it on ground, and you can stack it.

I want the beta level to have a cave feel. Stalactites on ceiling, stalagtites on ground, all rock, you know. When you are in the pre-level menu, you are zoomed out on the level and see the entire landscape. As soon as he starts, there is going to be an extremely large wall. I want to climb over it using ladders. Once you reach the top, going right you will come to a rock slide. Just a very steep slope you slide down. After sliding, there will be rocks elevating at a high altitude. I want to use springs to jump across them. Then, after clearing, there is a large gap. I want to use a bridge to go across it. After that, there is a metallic sliding door you go in to reach the clear screen.

Pretty simple. The springs allow you to fly five times higher than your height. But going on them flies you to the right. The ladders are the same size as the person, and can be built to amazing heights, but you do not move to the sides. The bridge is a simple bridge you walk on.

The character moves at a medium-fast speed, and can be sped up by holding the left mouse button. The time-limit for the pre-level menu is 30 seconds. The character is like a megaman-robocop hybrid.

I just want a simple beta now. I will add more things once I try out someone's project and seeing what flaws I made in my design.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you