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The game i personally would like to see remade is Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. It has quite a cult following, and with the power of today's consoles as well as a new trend of companies updating their movie franchises to video games (like the new Ghostbusters and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to name a few) I think it would be quite possible this could happen. If you read the novel, Shadows of the Empire is a great addition to the Star Wars universe and really needs to be retold... the N64/PC game didn't really do the story justice, although the Battle of Hoth level was very impressive for its time.

Edit:  @Jedson328... i too would love to see either an update or a full fledged sequel to the X-Wing/TIE Fighter series since i never really got to play them when they were originally released.  Or even a new Rogue Squadron game would make me happy as well.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.