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Really waiting for a PS4 bearsion for 2 reasons SMT V on PS4 could mean P5 on Switch and a matter of more importance Atlus need better sales moreover when this must be oen of the most expensive game they´ve done along side P5(which probably is a lot more cause those develeopment years) and SMT sales never were the best.

In the other hand talking about sales i see why this is (at the time?) a Switch exclusive..." border="0">

Look that numbers. From the top 3 SMT(not persona) best sellers 2 are for the 3ds and actually the other ones for that console didnt do that bad. And that don´t count digital sales which should put the numbers a little bit up considering that europe which never was a big market for SMT titles never received SMTIV and SMTIV had received a bunch of times disccount in the eshop. Another fact is that P5 doing well on the PS4 doesnt translate on good numbers for a already niche game cause P5 which did well dont have the SMT title so that sales come from new people in the series who probably dont know its origins and the fact that probably all those 3DS niche users are going in the way of the Switch. So from a business point of view it isnt that impressive that there isnt a ps4 bearsion however i actually think launching this on the PS4 could make more sales for the sake of everybody.

solo se hablar español