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I was recently rewatching the trailer for Detroit: Become Human and was thinking how cool it would be if the same setting was adapted for a different type of game. I would love to see an RPG/Action game that would take place in a futuristic city. It would essentially be like Blade Runner in game form.I am aware that Cyberpunk 2077 exists but it might not cater to the exact things I want from the game. My game would have the following features:

- Customizable Weapon System that would allow you to make more creative weapons as you level up

- Destructible Environments

- Dynamic Weather/Day to Day System that would impact the environments (ie. Tornadoes can destroy buildings)

- Multiple Ways To Traverse The Environment (Flying Car, Jetpack, etc.)

- Moral Choices that impact the characters and environment around you

- Side missions with the same quality as Witcher 3 or Skyrim

There are still more features that I would want from the game... but essentially it would be a blend of the best aspects from Mass Effect, The Witcher 3, Crackdown, and the Batman games. I'm interested in knowing what your guys's dream games would be as all of you seem very knowledgable and opinionated on the types of games you would like. What features would you implement to make the perfect game?