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It wont even have 10 JRPG's out by the end of the year... 

So far the 360 has had BD, ES, LO and FFXI online. By the end of the year it will have ToV, IU, LR and OD. So the 360 will have been out for 3 years and only have 8 JRPG's, yet people keep saying it will be the JRPG console this generation.

At the moment it has more than the Wii or PS3, but that is down to the one year head start. When the Wii and PS3 are 3 years into their lives they will both have more than 8 JRPG's each.

The Wii will have the majority of the JRPG's and PS3 will have FFXIII, FFXIII Versus and many others. I think you are only fooling yourself if you think the 360 will be JRPG king this generation...

If you are a JRPG fan and can afford multiple consoles per generation then get a 360 for the JRPG's now. If, like most people you can only afford one console per generation, then getting a 360 for the JRPG's now rather than waiting a while longer is foolish. 

(P.s home console not handheld, no one even mention the DS :P)