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I don't know if this has been done before but I decided to do it anyway.

I just finished watching Season 3 and DAMN it was Awesome!

Please noone contain spoilers in here (if for some reason you actually know everything), just theories please,

Here is by far the best theory I have read, sounds pretty much on the money to me:



We know the hatch our survivors discovered has the codename Swan and that it is the third of six. Time to add a second hatch and call sign to those we know of. The hide-out the Tailies have inhabited featured a logo nearly identical to that of the Swan. While still bearing all the Dharma Initiative markings, instead of a swan, the logo is skewered by an arrow.

We have two logos for two hatches, but whats the connection? After constant requests for answers about the numbers, specifically whether they are co-ordinates for the islands location, the producers cryptically replied, Viewers should be looking to the sky for answers and not the ground. With that in mind, a very subtle clue has been dropped in the Swan hatch pantry. Every single item of food there bears the Dharma logo, except for one the Apollo chocolate bars. Now, this may take a moment, but bear with us. The theories of what might actually be taking place on the island just went mythical mythically Greek, to be exact.

Firstly, Apollo was the name used by the ancient Greeks to describe a cluster of stars seen in the northern hemisphere, made up of six constellations.

Cygnus The Swan
Sagita The Arrow
Orion The Hunter
Crater The Goblet
Corvus The Crow
Ophiuchus The Serpent Handler

The naming of the chocolate could be seen as just a sneaky way to inform viewers where the hatches got their codenames. But a bit of study into the Greek god Apollos story and the virtues he represented reveals a lot of themes running parallel with those of Lost! He was the god of disease (the sickness), healing (Lockes legs), medicine (Jack/Sun), shamanism (Locke/Mr. Eko), prophecy (Claires psychic/Walt), and finally wisdom and reason (the faith vs. science debate). He was the god of light, while his brother Dionysus represented darkness, the battle between black and white another key theme in the show. He rode a swan north each winter and was the patron defender of flocks and herds, not unlike our good Dr. Jack Shepard!

Finally, Apollo was born on a mythical island that he formed sacred bonds with.. It was not joined to the earth, but rather floated the seas surrounded by swans. Could Claires baby, Aaron, already known as a special child, have ties to the island established long before he was even conceived? Could the gods themselves have wanted this child on the island? And before any theories about Aaron being the new Messiah spring to mind, remember this the verb apollyo means to destroy
Once last thing for all you wonderful message board posters that have been asking for more clues about the numbers. Jump on Yahoo!7 search and look up Apollo, and then check out the The Messier Marathon. The Messier Marathon was developed by Charles Messier in 1774 to catalogue 110 objects in space so as to not confuse existing stars with comets. Our new friend, the Arrow logo? Its part of the Sagita constellation, the Archer, and the two major stars in that constellation are M8 and M23


And this is by far the best theory on the numbers:


The Valenzetti Equation is a fictional book by Gary Troup is a book that speaks of a mathematical equation that can predict the apocalypse, and the end of the world. One theory that I came across about the numbers that continue to show up in Lost is that they are the result of the Valenzetti Equation equalling 4 8 15 16 23 42.

The theory looks at the numbers in a different way then just a string of numbers adding up to 108 like some other theories people are using to try and figure out their meaning. This one uses the set of numbers as a date and time which if Valenzetti’s equation is correct would be the end of the world.

The date would be April 8, 2015 at 16:23:42, or 4/8/2015 at 4:23 and 42 seconds. This thoery can be backed up with a little bit of information from the show such as when the blast doors came down on Locke’s leg he saw a map, which included a phrase “low relevence to Valenzetti related research activity.

Also, the man the Hurley got the numbers from in the insitution. Some how that man knew the numbers, and possibly knew what they meant which is why he went insane. Knowing how the world was going to end could lead a man to insanity.

The numbers are obviously a sign of bad luck, as seen with all that has been happening to people around Hurley after he used them in the lottery and won. There is certainly evil about the numbers, and what could be much worse than the world coming to an end?