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Gnosis said:
People shouldn't be angered by the score. Soon we'll have scoring systems that work like:
And everyone will be complaining why the game didn't get 9.568

Does it really matter if the game didn't get 0.4 more than the score it got? They rated it down on things that can be disagreed on. Story, 8.7? Obviously the more hardcore fans of the game are gonna appreciate the story more and things like that. People who don't care about graphics so much can put that up to 10/10. All sorts of things that can change the final score.

It's over 9.0/10, people should be happy. It's gotten worse. My favourite game isn't rated 99/100 on metacritic. But I honostly couldn't care. Just enjoy the game and forget scores.

My favorite game of this generation is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn for the Wii. It scored somewhere in the 7's.

It is a very niche game. However, fans of the Fire Emblem series might find it to be one of their favorite games of all time.

I don't complain that the game got shorted on its score. Afterall it is very audience specific and I can see how a lot of gamers and reviewers could hate its pacing and balance.


Now, MGS4 is niche to a lesser degree. So, to MGS fans, it's likely to be the best game of this gen. However, I wouldn't knock reviewers for giving the game less than 10's because they aren't all MGS fanboys. It's not univerally loved and welcoming. It has a high barrier to entry. Its story requires you to play other games to understand it. That alone makes it a niche title. That alone lowers the overall score.

A perfect game must have the ability to suck anyone in, who plays it. Few games reach that pinnicle. That is one reason so many Nintendo games adorn the gamerankings list. They are very accessable. MGS isn't, despite the hype. Many purchasers of this game who are first time MGS players will be dissapointed. This game isn't gonna be the end all game for PS3 owners. It is, however, gonna be another amazing and perfect MGS game that fans of the series will die for.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.