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The issue in 2017 isn't that Nazis are bad; they and their hateful ideology will always be the gold standard example for the worst of humanity over the past century, and no amount of historical whitewashing (pardon the pun) will ever change that.

No, the issue is that somewhere along the way, the flip side of the extremist coin somehow became fashionable where violence for political purposes (or any purpose really) is A-OK, as long as it is directed towards "Nazis" / white supremacists / the alt-right, which in 2017 roughly translates to "anyone who is politically to the right of Marx / Mao / Stalin."

We now have self proclaimed "anti-fascist" groups who unironically use fascist tactics to shut down their opponents and force their own views on others, all in the name of opposing Nazis and fascism of course (because there's a real Nazi / fascism problem all around the globe in 2017, right?) Nazi = bad, therefore anything anti-Nazi, up to and including anarcho-communism, is automatically good. Basically today you have Godwin's Law being employed in real life by the progressive / far left wing of the political sphere, where everything they're opposed to is Hitler.

As for video games, Nazi's have been used in popular entertainment culture as the archetypal villain for decades now (Indiana Jones, anyone?). This is not controversial, and Nazis will continued to be used as said generic villains because they're the only group of people you can constantly recycle in movies and videogames as endless cannon fodder without offending someone. So kill all the Nazis you want in movies and videogames, but just remember one thing the next time you start having fantasies about punching so-called "Nazis" in real life. The real ones punch back.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.