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monocle_layton said:
LurkerJ said:
Being anti-Islam shouldn't be political or controversial either. But this is the world we live in

What bothers me about the Muslim community is that they don't see their hypocrisy. They attack apostates and people who question Islam, yet respect a man who threatened Muhammad multiple times before converting to Islam (Omar ibn Khattab).

The man is literally considered one of the greatest men in Islam, but people can overlook multiple death threats and an actual attempt to kill Muhammad. If he can be forgiven, then honestly why should people criticizing Islam be hated?

Hmm, I read the Quran numerous times, I don't remember that story, but it's a really good point. Lots of those who were at war with Muhammad converted to Islam later on, yet, you can't speak ill of him or his friends.

Pemalite said:
LurkerJ said:
Being anti-Islam shouldn't be political or controversial either. But this is the world we live in

As a strong believer in Atheism, I entirely agree with you, being against any religion shouldn't be political or controversial.

However... If you are only Anti-Islam and conveniently ignore the atrocities, extremists/terrorists, hate, violence and so on found in other religions like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and so on... Then you are simply put... Being ignorant and contradictory.

You need to tackle the bigger problem and you need to be tactful in that approach, just spewing rubbish hate isn't going to solve anything, it's only going to continue the escalation of the current friction between groups.

Not at all, I just posted a thread the other day making fun of jewish extremists. I am against all religions, but the one that poses the biggest threat to my liberal values, here in Europe, is Islam. A lot of liberals prioritize "being nice" over anything else, which is incomprehensible. We were never nice to christians the way we are today with Muslims. If we were, we wouldn't have achieved progress on social issues related to women rights and LGBT rights.

Mnementh said:
LurkerJ said:
Being anti-Islam shouldn't be political or controversial either. But this is the world we live in

We shouldn't be anti-islam, we should pity them. Like all people believing in invisible voices, imaginary friends and other crackpot-theories like christianism, lizard-people, judaism, teapots floating in space ( ), buddhism, fake moon landing or whatever else crazy things people came up with.

Non of those crazy beliefs call for the death of apostates, or kill you for drawing Muhammad.