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Errorist76 said:

No man, Hitler's ideology was way worse than Caesar's so don't try to equalise them. It wouldn't be acceptable to play as a Nazi at all. It would be nice to see a game from the average German soldier's perspective one day, not all Germans were Nazis...far from it. The minority were, just as only a minority supports Trump today...but don't get me wrong, Trump is no Hitler..(at least yet..he's missing the intellect for better or worse)...and I don't want to compare him directly with him, but there are certain parallels in the way both came to power which are clearly noticeable. 

Concerning your point...Of course it's arguable that the fight against the native Americans, Incas etc. (the "Untermenschen" (subhumans) of said time) or Stalin's Gulags were just the same evil - they were, at least partly, indeed - but that doesn't mean we should demonize the Nazis means we should recognise the other crimes against humanity more!

Then we're going to have to agree to disagree on that first statement of yours that I put in bold. Caesar not only was just as cruel as Hitler was though with a different agenda, cause his armies would massacre, rape, torture (women, children, even men), only rich and powerful people were allowed to vote, slaves were kept for all purposes, fight to the DEATH, sex (and by sex I mean constant rape including of children) Public amusement consisted of watching people being mauled and devoured by lions in a public stadium etc...

Anyway, Ceasar was not only at least just as cruel as Hitler, he was FAR FAR from being the only leader at the time. Basically every leader before him and every one after him within the Roman Empire was just as cruel and the pain never ended, AT LEAST After Hitler died things got better in Germany.

As for the second point I put in bold at the end of your post, I couldn't agree more, I am 100% with what you are saying there and if you read me again you'll notice that it is pretty much in essence what I was trying to say.