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CrazyGamer2017 said:

Except there aren't any nazis alive today and by the same logic, pretty much ANY army in past history you can think of including those that are depicted gloriously on some big budget movies, deserve to be hated.
I've always thought it kind of strange that people's emotional response to mass atrocities seem to be proportional to how recent said atrocities were committed and when something happens very long ago it's like, fun and nice and cool to hear about in a candid way.

Example: The Roman Empire, Who gets pissed off at people depicting the Roman Empire in a nice way? No one, There are even games that kind of praise that civilization and their armies. But we all know the Roman Empire was particularly cruel and they have murdered on such a huge scale and in so horrible ways that they deserve to be hated just as nazis are. There's even a theme park in France "Le Parc Asterix" centered on a comic fictional Gaul character that lived in those times and the Romans are just nice guys that granted, try to invade the village of Asterix but never really appear bad or evil, just an army of clumsy almost sympathetic guys that you kind of feel sorry for cause they fail at invading that village...

So, were nazis scum on the face of the earth? Hell yeah, they are, but are they the only ones? Hell no. So for all I care they can make games where you kick their ass or EVEN you play the nazi that kicks the so called "good" guys' ass, it's ONLY a game and in Star Wars games for instance, you can even be the bad guy. No big deal, as long as you know it's only a game and you know the difference between good and evil. But judging by how most people get upset at nazism while at the same time not giving the same kind of hatred to pretty much every past army and civilizations that sooner or later were inevitably guilty of atrocities too, Kind of makes no sense to me.

EDIT: Oh and to the OP: The very nature of making a poll is to give at least two options so there is a "choice" you can make, just saying.

The main difference between the Nazis and the Romans is that the latter are long forgotten, while a fair amount of people nowadays remember World War 2 very well (or knew someone who did).