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StarOcean said:
DarthMetalliCube said:


Forgive me but I'm completely baffled by this. Might I ask why?

IMO free speech is the biggest cornerstone of a free and prosperous society. Short of threatening words, ALL speech needs to be allowed. If they are truly horrible ideas (as are the ideas of Nazism, and hell Fascism/Communism in general for that matter), then they will be naturally marginalized and defeated in the free marketplace of ideas as the majority of well meaning people will reject them. Without free speech we are at the whim of oppressive people/governments who feel they can oppress and silence you through force simply because you have the wrong beliefs/ideas. To me that leads to a spiral of self-destruction, and in many ways represents the very characteristics of Nazism ironically..

This is why I despite Antifa fascists because they are starting to implement these tactics.

No. I do not believe in free speech. It allows for hate groups to exist. Any hate ideologies such as Nazism, racism, sexism, etc in their purest form (not the bastardized versions) should be punished. We send terrorists to Guantonomo Bay, solitary confinement indefinitely for many of them. That's what would be done to those sorts of people. There aren't many people like it thankfully, but they deserve no platform to spread their idealogies and must be stopped at the source. 

Oh we're really gonna disagree on this. I'm against that because depending on who's the people in power or arbiter that could easily lead to a totalitarian state. it could be abused too easily. Also, "hate groups" will exist regardless of what you do. You can migate their overall influence by countering their arguments/moves with reason and logic. You're not trying to convince them that they are wrong but rather show to everyone how foolish their ideas are. That's fairly easy to do when there's alot of holes in their arguments. 

Allow anyone to speak openly and freely. That way it's much easier to track any persons of interest with troubling ideas versus them just remaining quiet and trying to change things behind the scenes.  Suppressing open speech doesn't stop the spreading of ideas because you can't watch everyone all the time. They'll still talk behind closed doors. If you try to control that, it will lead to authortarism and you won't stop what you were aiming for. The reason why a lot of hate groups have died off or weakened into insignificance is because people have been challenging their ideas for a long time.