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Bandorr said:
Machiavellian said:

True but what is stopping SO 2 from coming to any other system.

What is stopping it from coming to ANY system? Poor sales from being an X1 exclusive most likely. Has it even reached one million yet? There is also possibly the same clausive in the constract.

"They can maintain the rights" "as long as it remand an xbox one exclusive".  That could easily pertain to the entire IP.

Questions without answers make a cocky attitude that is condescending - make anyone look foolish.

I probalby would not actually relly on interpretation of a one line tweet as to the postion of an IP for a developer.  I would just go by interviews where they state they totally own the IP and with or without MS can do what they want.

As to what is stopping it from coming to another platform, I have to ask at what point are you coming into this discussion.  The original part of the discussion was that the IP is dead because it can only be used on the Xbox system.  The disagreement from me is that Isomniac has total control of the IP so they can do what they want with that IP.  As for Sunset Overdrive the game well that was published by MS so the actual game is under the direction of MS.