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RJ_Sizzle said:
Machiavellian said:

So what deals has MS done that are time exclusive DLC.  I am not following you on this.  The man stated he does not like to do time exclusive DLC deals and MS does not do those deals anymore.  Exactly how does that contradict what Phil stated.  It doesn't really matters if you believe a full game is in the same category as DLC because your interpretations of what you hear is not the point.  Further in that interview Phil has with Eurogamer he gives more reasons on what he is stating.  Basically what you are trying to do is say "Phil, I know you specifically stated DLC but I FEEL, you mean all time exclusives even though you specifically stated just DLC." This feel part is where the problem is, people always feel greater meaning instead of just talking exactly what someone says.

 So let’s bring this question back up again.  Phil says he doesn't favor doing DLC exclusive marketing deals.  Since Phil is head of the Xbox division now, do MS do DLC time exclusive deals.  Let’s just limit this to what the man said and not what people like to interpret the meaning.

The question is, "Why would he say that?". Obviously, he's trying to make it seem like this is a raw deal for gamers when things like this happen, when in reality, it's the very nature of his business. It doesn't matter if it's timed DLC or a full or timed exclusive. These deals are in place to give the platform holder an advantage over their rivals. MS is getting less of these timed deals, or ANY kind of deals due to their place in the market. They get still get the ad exclusives, but the days of getting content advantages less over his rivals isn't by choice these days. No matter what he says. 

You can't limit the conversation to DLC deals, because that's not even what this topic is about in the first place. It's about MS looking to secure a title that's not theirs for longer to keep the competition for having it. It's all in the same ballpark when it comes down to it. You have to remember, if the Xbox One were successful, he wouldn't even be in the position he's in, Mattrick still would have had the job. It's not like he can keep the position by being passive, he still has to make some kind of moves. Hence, the reason he's trying to extend this deal and the reason PS fans will NEVER get Cuphead and other titles. 

Phil isn't a fan of these kinds of deals because his company is in a lesser position of making them, like they used to. 

Maybe he said it because that is how he feels and its exactly what MS has stopped doing.  If MS stop doing the deals then it would appear that what he believes is now part of how MS view those deals.  Could it be that MS isn't getting DLC time deals because just maybe I am reaching, because they do not want them anymore.  

As for what the topic is about, as I stated to another poster, there have been comments about Phil being a hypocrite because of this timed exclusive deal with Blue.  People have referenced comments Phil has made in the Eurogamer interview including the orginal poster.  So yes, this has everything to do with the DLC because if you are going to use someone comments concerning timed exclusives and their position, its always good to keep it in context.

Also why would MS not secure a better deal since they are publishing the game on the Xbox.  Exacly why would it be good business for MS to let Sony be able to say PUBG is coming to our system if MS has already paid to secure this right.  As many posters comments in this thread suggest, this is a foul move on MS but in reality, it would be stupid for MS to not make this move.  Allowing Sony to grab some headlines by saying we also have an agreement for PUBG would undermine MS play to get the game on the Xbox in the first place. If you go by some poster here, Sony is so great and has such a big lead in marketshare of course PUBG is coming to the PS system.  If Sony is in talks with blue then it's Sony trying to basically steal some glory away from MS deal and thus lessen the impact of this game not coming to the PS system for a lenght of time.