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lol at the victim complex.

If this was a Muslim or Mexican that did it the backlash would be 1000000000000000000x worse, Trump would be pushing for legislation to ban whole groups of people, crack downs, databases to be built, documents to be carried, families would be affected, perhaps even torn apart for something they had nothing to do with.

But because it's a white man, no one will care. Is there any call to screen/ban white men from casinos? Movie theaters? Schools?

Nope. This is just a "lone nut", which is the luxury America affords to it's white citizens. They get to be seen as individuals, whereas if it's a Muslim or Mexican, it would be stigmatized to the entire group of people. They have to answer the bell every time some nut of their group does something bad and are tarred/feathered regardless. It's not racist to point out the double standard. 

Jared Taylor can go eat a giant dick, dude is a racist, we don't need to appease his rotten beliefs.