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Radek said:
curl-6 said:

LA Noire does seem an odd choice, but given they were remastering it for PS4/Xbone anyway it was probably easy to just throw in a Switch port. That said, GTA 5 for Switch should definitely happen; I wouldn't touch it myself, but given it already runs on PS3/360 the amount of work needed to bring it over would be minimal, and as with Skyrim, being able to play it on the go would give it a certain novelty over other versions.

I know, I know. But 4 GB of ram? That seems troublesome. Rockstar abandoned PS3 and 360 Online updates in October of 2015 due to "technical limitations" like lack of ram. I know they have 512 MB, and PS4 and Xbox One have 5 GB for games, but would Switch handle the updates? GTA V on the Switch would have to include Online, cause Take-Two wouldn't allow otherwise, not to mention people raging about lackluster port.

PS3 Level visuals + all updates for Online and 1080p docked? Would be awesome. Will it happen? I doubt it. Nintendo also has to improve online, check the Eurogamer link I posted in my previous post.

I'm not saying it will definitely happen, but it's certainly possible. To use your example, FIFA may not have every feature of the PS34/Xbone versions, but it still came to Switch, same for Doom and Skyrim.