Ka-pi96 said:
Percentage wise Nintendo's market share for current systems is only 3.7% lower than the US. Is the US one of Nintendo's worst territories too now? Besides, even if they had only 15% market share in the UK, that would still mean a lot more than even 100% market share in some countries. |
You do realize that going from 15.88% to 19.59% is a 23.36% increase, right?
Also, in what sense are PS3, X360, Wii U, and Vita current systems?
US: NS / (NS + PS4 + XOne) = 4.84%
UK: NS / (NS + PS4 + XOne) = 3.38% ± 0.55% (Assuming Switch is between 245,217 and 341,609)
So Switch is already doing at least 14.0% better in US than UK, and it could be doing up to 58.9% better (which is what VGChartz says).