TheSource said: Wii had ~50 million female users, who are less likely to care about graphics and the latest trends. When/if they migrate, there will be social effect and the game will do well on Switch. Sometimes it seems like people only upgrade to a new system every two generations - because if you don't play that many games and don't spend much cash on games, why not keep playing your PS1 til 2005 or your NES til 1996 or your Wii til 2016? The successful systems all end up with 500 - 1500 games, its not like you can really run out of content if you have broad tastes and the costs are low enough. |
Would be a lot more than that, actually. For consoles like the Wii, the actual userbase far exceeds the level of individual ownership. Which is why you had so many more people owning DS while nearly all of them had a Wii in their hosuehold.
Just speaking for myself, my wife, and my kids (who still use it to this day), and a number of friends who may or may not own a Wii - people over to party and play games like Just Dance. The Wii was the party machine.
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.