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Ah, I knew who posted this in advance. Ridiculous stuff until proven otherwise. I haven't read the thing, but every single thing I've heard about it is either vague enough eventually cover something or too ridiculous to ever happen.

1. Could become reality eventually but not in the near future.

2. The internet is a wonderful thing.

3. Simplifies trade, and almost guaranteed to happen if world government ever becomes a thing. Not happening in the near future though.

4. What? No. If anything, religions are all going to disappear. Some beast-worshipping religion isn't going to take over the world.

5.  Two ways this could happen: Christians are, at some point, considered terrorists or otherwise dangerous, or another religion takes over the world and practices tyranny of the majority. Both are unlikely. The first is possible if Christianity ever becomes a marginal thing and the remaining Christians are bigots.

6.  Climate change seems awfully real, and the population of the world is growing all the time. It's not a good combination. At this rate, this will happen sooner or later, but I'm confident we'll come up with something.

7. What else? Ghosts? I'm not even going to take this one seriously unless evidence says otherwise.

8. It's possible, but not in practically anyone's interests.

9. See #7.