DonFerrari said:
PSVR on PC run any game basically it also run videos... Price is determined basically on two functions, how much the market is willing to pay and how much profit it will make. In the case of PSVR it wasn't being sold at a loss on the HW itself, so it didn't depend on sales of SW to pay for the loss if that is what you were trying to imply. And I surely know the difference between price, cost, value, etc. |
Price is not only those 2 things. There are multiple conditions to how a price is determined for a market as I mentioned a few already. On the PS4, Sony gets their take for each game sold for the PSVR including their own games. On the PC they get none of that so selling in the PC space really gains them nothing unless they are going to really support it. So far, Sony has shone no signs of support PC at all and its not the platform they consider bringing their games to.
As for the PSVR working on the PC, is this some typeo of hack. I could see nothing from Sony and saw something on reddit but it appears hit or miss and you cannot use the move controllers and camera support is wonky.