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I just watched the first two episodes of Star Trek Disovery. As a standalone movie, unrelated to Star Trek, 6/10. As a pilot for a new Star Trek spin off 4/10. The Klingons made me zone out with their slow speech, I was ffwd during their talking sequences, easy to keep up with their giant subtitles anyway.

Positives: Sound effects from the original series were used. Amazing visuals on the outside.
Negatives: Boring story line with a lot of nonsense going on, no likeable characters so far.

I have no idea what next to expect from this, just war with the Klingons? Cue 5 years earlier? The pilot felt more like an ending than a beginning.

I've also watched the first 3 episodes of The Orville. Despite it being a spoof and quite silly at times, it's more Star Trek than Discovery so far. Plus the characters are a lot more likeable. Perhaps low budget fits a Star Trek series better. I would give The Orville a 7/10 so far.

I'm gonna play some more of the solus project. I guess I'll have to explore strange new worlds on my own.