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Red4ADevil said:
I have a strong feeling in my gut that they wont put much effort in the Wii version (graphics wise, they might not improve it from the third title))

I originally felt the same way, but it was reported that they are porting the COD4 engine for the Wii so it should be a good title graphics-wise.  Also, COD3 was part of the first wave of launch titles for the Wii and it was little more then a port of the PS2 version with motion controls tacked on.  They've been workin on this game for almost 2 years now so there's no excuse... and if the Wii version does turn out to be a quick and dirty port of the PS2 version you can bet your ass that Treyarch will get flammed out of business by all the Ninty fanboys... hopefully Treyarch is smarter then that and puts a little effort behind the title.

My main concern is how good the controls will be (should be as good as Prime 3 and Heroes 2) and if they can deliver a solid online component... i dont care if there's friend codes as long as there's 16 player deathmatches and no lag I'll be a happy camper.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.