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General Discussion - iPhone - View Post

vizunary said:
Bodhesatva said:
Kwaad said:
Bodhesatva said:
Erik Aston said:
I think iPhone is going to perform poorly. You can get Razrs or Blackberrys cheap or free with some contracts, and get the "big enough" iPod for $250. People will choose the cheaper dedicated devices as always.

It could have succeeded if it arrived kinda quietly, and then had some time to drop the price and improve performance and features. Now the press and public expect the product to cure cancer, and when it doesn't, it will become a punchline on Leno. Apple needed to do the standard announce-just-before-launch, instead of trying to show off by overshadowing CES and then hyping for months.

Price drops, increased storage capacity and a faster network could eventually make it a huge product. But if that's the case, why the launch hype? Now they're in danger of having highly publicized short-term inadequecies killing the momentum.


See, I think the iPhone is amazing. Great peice of hardware.

However it needs to be on a diffrent network. It can NOT be on the AT&T network. The iPhone is based around online multimedia services. AT&T is too slow to do that. With Sprint, I can download a 2meg file off the cell-towers faster than bluetooth can trasfer it. And Bluetooth is like 10x faster than the AT&T cell-tower data-network.

If the iPhone came out for sprint, it would be a major success.

Oh, I totally agree it's a solid machine, Kwaad, I'm just saying that I doubt its will sell extremely well. There's a difference, as lots of good machines have flopped. If the iphone sells well out of the gate and then keeps selling well for maybe 4-5 more months, then I'd say it has a lock on a large market share. But 499 dollar phones leave me a little suspicious of the sales past technophiles. The hype surrounding the machine has, from my perspective, seemed to be created largely by huge gadget-heads that love this kind of thing, and not by a larger userbase. Maybe I'm wrong; we'll see.

@Erik, don't they know it's the PS3 that cures cancer ;)

I was going to write up a rant about this thing, but i get too ticked about it to make any sense. I, for one, hate cell phones(in general) with a passion equal to my love of MGS. This stems mainly from the people using them and not the actual devices themselves. My mother, just yesterday, got t-boned crossing an intersection by some dumb &%$*(@ not paying attention, running the sign, all the while on his phone. Brand new car, what a load.

Anyways on to the subject and some of your points. The iPhone is ridicously over priced over hyped peice of tech, it really irks me that some people have the gall to critizes the PS3(I know it's expensive, this isn't my point) and then they act like a $600 phone<--- PHONE, it's just a damn phone I don't care what else it does) is the end all and be all of the tech industry(it's not even HD, LOL)

I don't think it will "sell" well overall, but as soon as it comes free or $99 with contracts we'll see them move quick, not until then though. But who knows, some people will buy anything.

What I meant by the whole critizing PS3 comparison was directed at these analysts that don't know the first thing about gaming, then they come in and rag on it for being an expensive "game" system, when it does MUCH more. But then you see them talk about this iPhone and it's a flip-flop, they DEFEND the price because of all the features/functionality you get with it. So the multimedia functionality is only important if it fits in your pocket????

Told you it ticks me off, sorry for the rant, later.

I agree with you, Vizunary. Why is a 600 dollar gaming system too expensive, but a 600 dollar phone is okay? In my opinion, they're both too expensive. They're both good machines, but too expensive. I suppose I could also say that they're both reasonably priced -- but I don't think it's very fair to split these two decisions. They ARE very similar machines in their variety of gadgetry and utility; if one is too expensive, then the other is too, I think.

We'll see how this plays out, though.">">