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DonFerrari said:
Machiavellian said:
Personally, I have nothing wrong with the one statement that we will retaliate with everything we got if NK decides to escalate things any further. This point I totally agree with Trump. My problem as always with Trump is that when speaking to groups of nations he has to use stupid belittling language like Rocket Man, we really do not need the grade school name calling. It makes him look simple when presenting something very serious and dangerous when he resort to that type of language.

You know that probably one of the reasons he got ellect is because he talks without subterfuge or using difficult words to mean the same? It is very idiotic when two politicians do namecalling and personal attacks using words of false respect.

I totally agree he probably got elected because of grade school language.  That says alot about America more than it does Trump.  You basically using words that any 5 grader should know is not difficult or subterfuge.  When you are in your preteens and teens you insult people this way because thats what everyone does but at some point you grow up.  In a position of power that effect billions, you learn that someone your enemy can easily become your ally and treating people with respect but still be firm in your position is what separate a leader from the average bum off the street.  As you say if politicians go down the namecalling, personal attacks route discourse becomes harder and it takes us closure instead of futher from a solution that does not involve war.