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Kasz216 said:
disolitude said:
whatever said:
disolitude said: guys crack me up.

Reviewers hating the wii...
Microsoft buying reviews...

Come on, atleast try to make relevant posts. Look at videos of the both games, compare features...etc

You honestly think this doesn't happen? Now that cracks me up.

No, what cracks me up is someone who has "Boycott Ubisoft" in his signature saying that reviewers hate the wii...while at the same time complaining that a Ubisoft isn't releasing any good games for the Wii.

there are like 10 threads live right now on this site that say "Boycott Company A because they are not making good Wii games" or "Company B announces good wii games are coming"

So which one is it? Reviewers hating the wii and giving bad scores or companies making bad games for the Wii?

As far as microsoft buying reviews...they don't do that, otherwise Ninja Gaiden 2 would have been a 9.5 as it should have been.


It's not like the two are mutually exclusive.  For example.  Trauma Center New Blood is a high quality game that was rated below where it should be... yet ubisoft is still producing horrible games.   

Best you could argue with your point is "Why try your hardest when the reviwers aren't going to give you a fair shake anyway."   

Its kinda pushing it when it comes to scape goats don't you think... Whats next? Game was made on a Friday?