irstupid said:
Kind of mixed feelings on that. I kind of liked the getting kicked out and the whole world being slightly different depending on the star you were trying to achieve. 1. The world being slightly different is nice and neat, and adds variety to the world. 2. The getting kicked out makes you feel like you accomplished something and your job is over. Good for a "handheld" type play that the switch can offer. You know, boot up the game, grab a moon during lunch and call it a day. Getting kicked out gives one kind of a mission accomplished, ending point. Without it, one can feel like they need to keep playing. |
I prefer it this way, I think it works better with the game's open-ended world design that you get a moon then go on exploring seamlessly. The alternatve would be getting booted back to the Odyssey itself at its landing spot, which would be kind of pointless in my opinion.