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specialk said:

In 20 years, people will cringe by the 8th time Pennywise spazzes out and slides towards the kid he's scaring. 

I thought the kids were pretty good in the 2017 movie, but Pennywise was kind of weak IMO. It's comical, the extent to which they made him looks like a scary clown. By the end, when the kids were beating up on him and he was getting scared, I felt kind of bad for him. Probably not the intention of the filmmakers. 

That doesn't make sense since IT 2017 had no technological constraints, how would time be a factor here? IT 2017 works on every level and feels like a complete movie wether it's story, plot, makeup, acting, atmosphere, you name it.

Time is not a requirement to see that IT 1990 was cringe-worthy, people have been saying it since it released. But now that IT 2017 is here, it is just THAT much more apparent!