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So, if you guys are familiar with me, you may know that I'm a big fan of Capcom's fighting games. Now, one of their most beloved franchises is their Marvel vs. series. Now, I've enjoyed every single one of the games from the series: X-Men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I remember going to a movie theatre years ago, seeing Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and being a Street Fighter and Spider-Man fan, being amazed that they were in a crossover appearing in the same game. I don't know if I really have a favourite, and in fact until late last year-early this year I was mainly familiar with MvC1 and MvC3, but I have to say that playing the other games at my uncle's house I really grew to love the games. So, when the game was first released, I really was excited.

However, I definitely should have known, coming from Capcom, that the game would have issues. Right off the bat, I want to complain about the roster. Only 30 characters? While Mvc2 had 56, UMvC3 had 50 (DLC and PS4/XB1) and even vanilla MvC3 had 36? Why does the roster size keep going downward? There's also the problem with the roster itself, considering that Wolverine, who had been in every game beforehand, does not appear in it. I know that Marvel don't have the film rights for X-Men and Fantastic Four, but they should have had him and possibly Doctor Doom for history's sake.

Of course, the graphics were also an issue. If you can remember, Chun-Li looked really strange. However, it was not just her. Chris Redfield and Dante also had strange appearances. Now, I realize that they were fixed, but why show them like that in the first place? Especially when Chun-Li already had a great model in Street Fighter V.

Finally though, the DLC. They announced 6 DLC characters from the get go!! Why? What a way to make me want to buy the game. Well, get go I mean by before the game even came out, not that they'll be there at launch. However, it just shows shades of greed, and knowing that Capcom has a history of re-releasing games, makes me just want to wait for a complete version.

Another issue though is that Capcom these past few years have not brought up a great reputation for themselves. Street Fighter X Tekken had 12, 12, 12, 12 characters on-disc, as DLC!! Street Fighter V also had a very infamous, incomplete launch, which does not instill confidence nor the benefit of the doubt.

Now, the game has not been released yet, so who knows? Maybe it is great? Or maybe we'll eventually get a complete edition that manages to fix most of the issues, while having a much more acceptable roster size? In any case, I do not like how it looks, and I hope that Capcom doesn't strike out anymore times. It seems like we're reaching the ninth inning as it already is.