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RolStoppable said:
Very disappointing that the Xenoblade 2-themed Switch Pro Controller uses a color based on Pyra. We get another shade of pink after the Splatoon 2 controller was already green and pink. I'd like to have a second Pro Controller, but not a black one. Nintendo should put out a Super Mario Odyssey version that uses red for the body and blue for the handles. Or a black and blue Fire Emblem Warriors Pro Controller.

In another rant, I had to redeem yet another MyNintendo reward because just like last month I had expiring gold coins. I picked Runner 2 for 100 gold coins (free game). Nintendo really needs to improve the number of rewards. Smart indie developers should approach Nintendo and demand their games to get discounts with gold coins. That could increase the number of available rewards quickly and developers would benefit from additional exposure and sales. If Runner 2 and Art of Balance can be available for free, then surely discounts can't be hard to do.

Nintendo should improve the MyNintendo service in general. I've lost more than a thousand silver coins simply because there is nothing to do with them. he best thing was the Picross games, and even those are very short.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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