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Bored4life said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
I actually disagree, I think the Wii is so much better supported with games that can truly utilize motion controls, something more locked into the 3d realm in my opinion, unless they wanted to support the classic controller or the gamecube controller. I actually think the 2D games would be much better on something like PSN or Xbox Live where you could do a full 1080 display with tons and tons of particle effects and such :P Not that the Wii couldn't play these games easily, I just think a traditional controller works infinitely better for side scrollers.

This is the most idiotic post I've ever had the displeasure of reading since I joined this forum.

Well I'm definitely glad to see you at least contributed something useful to the conversation at hand ^_^ I am allowed to have an opinion right? I love sidescrollers, I love having a widescreen HDTV, and I think they play better with a traditional controller, I don't care whether or not you agree with me :P And at least my original post had substance.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.